
07807 901956

Locksmiths Locksmith

Car Key Services

07807 901956

Auto Locksmith

24 Hrs

Locksmiths can save your sanity! Why wait until you have a crisis before calling, with a little forethought you can avoid the stress and reduce the cost. Let us be honest here we wouldn’t dream of not servicing the car at least once a year even when an M.O.T. isn’t required. So how do we explain that the last time somebody last looked at our locks was ….. err to long ago to remember or perhaps even never. When you think about it, how many times have you had to stand there jiggling that back door key about to get it to lock properly and as for that garage lock. Are you even sure that your locks are good enough to satisfy your insurance company.

Where do you need a Locksmith?

Over the years just how many keys has your family lost, or in the case of just having moved are you certain

Our locksmiths are more than happy to come to your property

Car Key Services

07807 901956

Auto Locksmith

24 Hrs

that the previous occupant handed in all their keys. Maybe at least one of your neighbours has a spare set for “when they were on holiday”. DO NOT get stressed thinking about all of this. Solve it with one simple phone call.

give it a survey, some basic maintenance and or repairs to your all your locks, and let you know of any weak spots in your security and suggestions to improve the situation if necessary.

With no call out fee you’ll be surprised how little this can cost and the peace of mind you get is priceless. Plus if you do need any spare keys in the vast majority of cases these can be cut instantly with our mobile key cutting technology.
Obviously there will be times when emergencies happen no matter how well organised you are. Our locksmiths operate 24hrs a day every day of the year and we will never charge you a call out fee. We have all the latest devices for non-destructive entry as well as a high level lock picking skills into your premises or vehicle and can repair or replace damaged locks and cut new keys at the roadside even for those vehicles that have transponder or encrypted keys.

24/7 Locksmith Service

07807 901956

Residential/Commercial Locksmith

24 Hrs

Car Key Services

07807 901956

Auto Locksmith

24 Hrs

However we strongly recommend that rather than wait for an emergency you call us now, have a survey done and get to know us. That way if an emergency does happen you will be confident that we will deal with the matter quickly, efficiently and with as little fuss as possible.